This is an early sneak peek of Monorepo Maestros. Your feedback is welcome!

Try it out

If you've never worked with a monorepo before, I want you to see what it's like in 4 terminal commands and less than 2 minutes. Let's use a pre-built monorepo that you can quickly feel the power of.

Your first monorepo

First, grab the starter monorepo from Turborepo.

npx create-turbo@latest // Follow the prompts.
cd my-turborepo
npx create-turbo@latest // Follow the prompts.
cd my-turborepo

Note: By default, the directory is "my-turborepo." Change the cd command if you gave it a different name.

Build two the same time

Next, build the applications in the repository.

pnpm build
pnpm build

Note: Use your favorite package manager.

In your terminal, you will see logs for the two Next.js applications being built in parallel. This is great! Instead of building the first one and then the second one, we're building both.

Build them again in less than a second

Alright, now run the builds again using the same command as before.

pnpm build
pnpm build

Note: Use your favorite package manager.

A screenshot of a `pnpm build` command building two Next.js applications in 300 ms.

Woah! 😱

Through caching, we can ensure that we never do the same work twice. If you've built it before, we can simply use the build from last time instead of rebuilding again.

Hopefully, you're convinced that that was an awesome developer experience. Let's start understanding the fundamentals now so you can build your own applications.